True Colors Adult Online Assessment

True Colors Adult Online Assessment


Welcome! If you've been invited by a certified True Colors Facilitator or True Colors International to take the online assessment, you're exactly where you need to be.

If you're interested in taking the online assessment outside of these scenarios, our shop provides a fantastic opportunity for the general public to experience the online assessment and benefit from a personalized consultation. We're excited to support you on your journey to discovering more about yourself! If you have any questions, please contact us at (800) 422.4686.


True Colors helps people find personal success and dramatically improves interpersonal relationships.

The True Colors’ online personality assessment gives each person unique insights into their own personality type and decision-making style through the True Colors methodology lens.

Each person will discover their full True Colors personality spectrum and receive an in-depth, personalized 25+ page report.

The distinctive report describes behavioral tendencies, includes powerfully effective tips for communicating with people of all personality types, and has a standalone summary desktop report.

The assessment will take approximately 15–20 minutes.

Questions? Please contact Customer Service at (800) 422.4686.